Electric Car Hire

We understand that these days people are more conscious of sustainability and their impact on the planet than ever before. With this in mind, at Gatwick Car & Van Rental, we have a fleet of electric cars ready to go, all of the highest quality and at affordable prices.

Our team has something to suit every requirement and budget, and when you get in touch to rent an electric car, you’ll be able to browse through a range of options before settling on a vehicle that meets your needs. This includes Ford electric cars, Vauxhall electric cars and a whole host of other models, all of which can be utilised by corporate or commercial clients as well as individuals throughout Gatwick, Crawley and the surrounding parts of London.

Whether you’re looking for short-term electric car hire or something for a bit longer, when you get in touch with our team we’ll discuss your requirements with you, ensuring you receive something that ticks all your boxes. We even provide vehicles in a variety of sizes, from small electric cars to larger options.

Looking for electric car rental in Crawley? Gatwick Car & Van Rental is here for you. If you want something sustainable and cheap, electric cars are the perfect solution. Contact our team today to organise your electric car hire.

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